I like a challenge! This week I set out to do a complex Charcaol and Chine Colle Prinr on a gel plate.
My Red Tailed Black Cockatoo (Calyptorhyicus banksii) has been printed on a gel plate using willow charcaol, hand printed paper, acrylic paints and Somerset Satin 200gsm paper. This print has 4 layers in total, working from foreground to backgroud and in. reverse. The print was complete in one pull.
Fisrt stage was drawing the cockatoo in crcoal and transferring it to the gel plate. next was the deails - eyes, beak and feathers. The I added the background - a btanical gel print from years ago. This was quite tricky as i had to cut it in reverse to fit the siloheutte. Once i i had that in place I need to finish of the cockatoo with black paint. Afetr putting it on, iI thought I'd made a huge mistake. There was no going back! then a layer of acrylic paint to even the layers out follwed by some matt medium and then the Somerset Satin paper.
It was then a case of waiting for it all to dry. In this case, overnight. I then pulled the gel plate off the paper, rather than the paper of the gel plate to minimise stress on the paper. I'm relatively happy with the result. It's all a learning experience. My next challenge is a portrait!
